Our Programs

Awareness creation through targeted community communication. Including dedicated mobile phone platform for climate change communication- emergency alerts e.g. flash floods, government initiatives, guided preparedness, new knowledge

Knowledge building on climate change causes, indicators global and traditional and ways to mitigate through the media and organized events

Use of technology to collect accurate data and information on climate change through AI enabled drones, satellite and sensors to monitor acute climate changes and facilitate decision making

Innovative modeling systems to accurately forecast drought events e.g. Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) to increase preparedness.

Advocacy and policy formulation to create climate change special vehicles within ministries at all levels of government to plan and manage climate change activities

Mitigating climate change means reducing the flow of heat-trapping greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. This involves cutting greenhouse gases from main sources such as power plants, factories, cars, and farms. Forests, oceans, and soil also absorb and store these gases, and are an important part of the solution. While this is clear, most communities do not have the information and are not empowered to actively participate in climate change mitigation. Besides knowledge creation, our organization will work with communities to initiate programs that reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Some of the earmarked activities include:

  • Use of ecofriendly cooking instead of charcoal
  • Cooking with firewood on open air
  • Deforestation
  • Overgrazing
  • Clean environment e.g. planting of trees and building of toilets
  • Using tanks to store clean rain water

With the continued effects of climate change ravaging our communities, our programs aimed at capacity building to enable communities to adjust and cope with the inevitable climate change effects. Among proposed strategies are:  

  • Silage and storage of fodder for future
  • Planting trees to reduce air pollution and reduce air pollution
  • Technology to grow animal feed that is early maturing and of high nutrition to sustain the animals e.g Bacharia grass
  • Sinking of boreholes to supplement dams and water pans when rain water is insufficient
  • Draught resistant breeds
  • selling of manure or some animals to buy commercial feeds and hay to sustain herds
  • Mix of animal’s camels, sheep, goats

In the spirit of just transition, our activities will endeavor to transition communities to practices that cushion them from high climate risks by building their capacity to prepare for, respond to, and recover from the impacts of hazardous climatic events while incurring minimal damage to societal wellbeing, the economy and the environment. This will entail a range of actions across policy, infrastructure, services, planning, education and communication. As such, building climate resilience will require a holistic and multi-dimensional approach to enhance the communities’ social, human, natural, physical and financial capacities to cope with and recover from the impacts of climate change. Among suggested resilient measures include:

  • Diversification to other foods like maize and use maize stalks as fodder
  • Keep Fewer animals
  • Beading to supplement household income
  • Bee keeping
  • Kitchen gardens
  • School agriculture clubs
  • Tree planting innovative strategies (Greening concept)
  • Mix of animal’s camels, sheep, goats and poultry
  • Indigenous crop varieties capable of withstanding harsh climatic conditions
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